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Historical Researchers

Specialising in Incorporeal Title Law

Documentary Title


We will explain the English Law which enables you to acquire a Manorial Title

Which has been created by legal process by using our Unique Predictive Methodology and Legal Process

Using the Legally Formulated Process Known as “The Manorial Honours System”


Manorial Lordships Specialises in Identifying and created by legal process Lordship Titles using a

Legally Formulated Process known as “The Manorial Honours System” Manorial Lordships uses

The Manorial Honours System” unique purpose and predictive methodology to assess the likelihood

that the Seignory Lordship Title is lost and does not have a legal owner.


Law of Property Act 1922:

In 1922 Manorial Titles were separated from the physical land of the manor at this time there was about 27,000 manors that existed in 1922 when the rights were separated from the physical land by statute but only a few hundred of these now have "proof of ownership", Because of this we simply cannot write off historical pieces of history just because they have become lost and forgotten in the mists of time.


A Lordship of the Manor is a genuine property right, recognised by legislation and because the law relating to proof of possession and ownership of a Lordship of the Manor title has been unclear, We decided to have a full review of the laws relating to manorial titles by our legal expert, who specialises in manorial law and manorial rights and incorporeal hereditaments to ensure we remained completely compliant with the current law.


Our Legal Expert:

Our legal expert was given the task of investigating and check the law relating to title acquisition, Including how a title could be obtained with the rights to hold a legal title (A title you can inherit), with the legal right to use and enjoy of a lordship title, Our legal expert researched the subject of Manorial Law and Manorial Titles and uncovered and devised a formulated legal method of process which is the solution that can be used to re-establish the manorial titles that have been lost, The legally formulated method of process and solution which can be used to created by legal process the rights to use a titles that have been unused for many years and in many cases were believed to have been lost in the mists of time, can be legally re-establish and used by new custodians.


The Manorial Honours System:

We are a business that create by legal process and selling the legal rights of ownership to lost manorial titles which are defined and classed in land law as being an incorporeal hereditament, You can legally buy and sell the legal rights to a lordship of the manor title because a lordship of the manor title was created in land law as a "legal right based on and in land".


Our legally formulated process is a legal way of recreating a Documentary Title by working with “incorporeal hereditament”, This is something in respect of the Lordship Titles which are owned by Manorial Lordships and solely used by The Manorial Honours System, These legally created by legal process titles can be inherited in law.


This newly identified legal process is based on the previous existence of the lordship and it replaces a specific lost lordship title and the history of that title, To enjoy and to use a lordship title with our legal solution we re-establish the lost titles. By this we mean we created by legal process an incorporeal hereditament (a documentary title you can inherit).


A Lordship Title created by legal process is a legal entity known as a Documentary Title.


Legally Formulated Method of Legal Process:

Our legal method of legal process takes the name, history and everything we know about the name, style and title after this process we are able to re-establish the title into a legal entity identical to the original lost title, due to our legally formulated process manorial titles can be enjoyed by generations of custodians to come.


Our legal process is created through the previous existence of a manor and everything we know about that manor the process is also based on the previous existence of the Seigniory Lordship Title and the process used to created by legal process the Lordship Titles has been carefully formulated and it is based on extensive legal advice from our legal expert.


A Legal Protective Shell:

The first part of our legal process has the benefits of our legal solution in that it takes a weak possession of the old manorial title to create a legal protective shell, We have taken the Lordship Title and the words of the lost Lordship Title and the location and all its history and everything else we know that may have an effect and impact on whether it is still in use and we turn this information into a new set of Lordship Titles for someone to use, This legal process can only be used on manorial titles that have existed legally in time and history by using “The Manorial Honours System”. 


The second part of our legal process of creating by legal process a Lordship Titles is by working with incorporeal hereditaments which will give you the legal rights to exercise your rights in full compliance with the Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925.


We are asserting a legal right to exercise our legal right of use and peaceful enjoyment to the name, style and title of the Lordship Title of the Manor of Somewhere, in the County of Somewhere.


The third part of our legal process is that ownership of a manorial title has to be proven, this can only be confirmed with a legally written set of paper ownership deeds We are able in law to create this inheritable legal right which can be inherited, the law we use is evidenced by a set of legal deeds which have been written by our legal expert, (Contract Deed of Agreement) and a (Conveyance Deed of Assignment),We passed these rights onto our customer through a (Contract Deed of Agreement) and (Conveyance Deed of Assignment).


The fourth part of our legal process is using two legal authorities of law and also by using Intellectual Rights and the English Common Law which is the law developed by judges through decisions of court which is known as Case Law.


Documentary Title:

An owner can rely on his documentary title to legally Re-establish his rights as confirmed in his documentation,



1. Consisting of, concerning, or based on documents

2. Relating to or consisting or pertaining to matters or proof of title derived from documents

3. Also documental consisting of, derived from, or relating to documents

4. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter

5. Presenting factual material with little or no fictional additions the deed gives a documentary account of the title

6. Being in fact or actuality; having verified existence; "real objects"; "real people; "a fact based on real life";



1. A descriptive or distinctive appellation, especially one belonging to a person by right of rank, office, attainment, etc: the title of Lord of the Manor.


The Manorial Honours System.

Researched and Created by Legal Process, A Documentary Title.


Historic Lordship Titles Created by Legal Process.

Using a formulated process to establish legal ownership of a Lordship Title.  


We have taken two legal authorities of the Law of England and the legal solution takes everything we know about a lost title and we put the title through our “legal machine” called the “The Manorial Honours System” we take the lost Historic Lordship Title and we also take all the historical research and information about the lost title and we create by legal process the lordship title using a legally approved, proven set of practices using a combined predictive knowledge and created methodology and process know legally as “The Manorial Honours System” which re-establishes the lordship titles as if they were never lost and on completion we register the lordship title with The Manorial Guild.


The two legal authorities of the Law of England that we are using is evidenced by a set of legal deeds (Contract Deed of Agreement) and a (Conveyance Deed of Assignment), that has been approved and copyrighted by our legal expert which gives us legal ownership immediately because we have used everything we know about the manorial title, We are able to create and legally create by legal process the lordship based upon the old lordship title by using our legal process, so what you will be buying is exactly the same as the old lordship title, Because it was created through the previous existence of the lost manor and everything historically we know about that manor, and this is just part of our legal process.


Intellectual Process of Methodology:

We have made it legally possible to identify and to find lost historic lordship titles, We use a legal method and process called “The Manorial Honours System” which re-establish the lordship title as if it was never lost, we then transfer the legal rights of the historic lordship title by a legally written and witnessed documentation to the customer who will then become the holder and honourable custodian of the lordship title.





Asserts Our Intellectual Property:

Manorial Lordship asserts the intellectual property rights to the unique formulated predictive process and methodology which is incorporated into a formulated document of historical research (Documented History).


Our lordships of the manor titles do not include any actual land or obligations in relation to ownership of physical land, Which may be linked historically to the Seigniory Lordship Title in addition our created by legal process lordship title is not, within the meanings of the Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925.


The Solution - Legal Entity - Incorporeal Hereditament:

In order for our customer to enjoy being a custodian of a lordship title our legal expert has come up with a legal solution to created by legal Process lost titles. By this we mean we create an incorporeal hereditament, The British Law we have been provided with enables us to create proof that an incorporeal hereditament which is an (Lordship Title) legally existed in law and has been legally created by legal process in law and that it has come into new ownership. You may not think that this is right when it comes into new ownership but that has been the way since 1066 and this is still the case today in Law in England and Wales.


Incorporeal Hereditament:

Part of our legal solution and process to create by legal process a lordship title is by the creation of an incorporeal hereditament. which is created through the previous existence of the lordship title and the history of that lordship title and everything we know about the history of the manor.


A manorial title is part of a group of legal entities called incorporeal hereditaments (an inheritable right to something, in our case to use a title), this is where most of the confusion comes because the “title is the right”, a legal right that you cannot touch. What we do now in law is to create this untouchable legal right that can be inherited.


Incorporeal Inheritable Property:

In law we are able to create an “incorporeal hereditament” (this is a lordship title that you can inherit,) you can later in life, legally leave your Lordship Title in your will, because it was created through the previous existence of the lost manor and everything historically we know about that manor.


Means: - Examples of incorporeal hereditaments are: intangible property including manors, franchises, sevitudes, hereditary titles of honour, heritable titles of office, coats of arms, prescriptive baronies, rights of way, tithes, advowsons, pensions, annuities, rents, franchises, etc. The term is still used in the phrase "lands, tenements and hereditaments" to describe property in land, as distinguished from goods and chattels or movable property.


A Hereditament can be inherited:

In law, a hereditament is a class of property that can be inherited, Example of incorporeal hereditaments are hereditary titles of honour or dignity, heritable titles of office, coats of arms, prescriptive barony, rights of way, tithes, advowsons, pension, annuities, rents, franchises, The right to a peerage (If defined when created),



Means: - property which can be passed to an heir, can be inherited, is inheritable, when a someone dies it can be transferred to their heir,


Hereditaments are divided into corporeal and incorporeal. Corporeal hereditaments are "such as affect the senses, and may be seen and handled by the body; incorporeal are not the subject of sensation, can neither be seen nor handled, and an example of a corporeal hereditament is land held in freehold.



Incorporeal means: Not physical - No physical presence.

Hereditament means: it can be inherited.

Incorporeal Hereditament is a term of a legal classification for a Lordship Title.


Incorporeal Rights:

Incorporeal Rights that can't be seen or touched, but are still enforceable by law, Incorporeal rights are transferable and inheritable for example rights of access, easements, licences sporting rights, salmon fishing rights, tolls or rights of toll, rights of common or a right to do something example hold a market, a right to dig for minerals, a right to collect and cut turf, a right to pasture on common land, a right to collect wood,


We have explained in layman’s terms how (we create an incorporeal hereditament) (a title you can inherit) which we created through the previous existence of the Manor and everything we know about the Manor, Our legal solution is based on the previous existence of the Lordship.


What we can confirm now is that the lordships title we can now sell will be a legal entity, an incorporeal hereditament, it will legally exist on the basis that it replaces a specific lost lordship title of the manor and the history of that manorial title.


After our legal process, we have what in law is termed a legal entities called an “incorporeal hereditament” (which is the legal classification of a manorial title) in our case an inheritable right to possess the “incorporeal hereditament” that was the Lordship Title of the Manor contained in the seigniory of the physical manor that once existed in law so that the new custodian may have the enjoyment of the re-establish Lordship Title of the Manor.


Time Immemorial:

The law we have been provided with enables us to create proof that an incorporeal hereditament (Manorial Title) existed and that it has come into new ownership. You may think that it is not right that it comes into new ownership but that has been the way since time immemorial and it is still the case today, If someone dies and leaves a piece of physical land with no one using it and no defined owner any person can take possession and use it, The law of physical possession is one of English Law oldest legal maxim and one of the reasons for its creation was to ensure that land was not left unused.


Statute of Limitation:

The British Crown and the British Government has a Statute of Limitation in place that allows anyone to use unused land and if the rules are abided by the user will eventually own the land.



In order to transfer a Seigniory or Seigniory Lordship Title with the physical land the legal professional handling the transfer must have included specific wording to transfer the Seigniory with the land. So today to have proof of legal ownership the owner must have a set of deeds each with the correct wording otherwise they do not have legal ownership.



To own a Lordship Title, the right to use the title has to be legally passed from one individual to another. In law a Lordship Title was part of the rights package that went with a manor known as a Seigniory, In law the rights to the title is classed as an incorporeal hereditaments by working with incorporeal hereditaments our contractual Documentary Title will give you the legal rights to an ‘Inheritable Title’, After our legal process what we have in law is termed a legal entity called an incorporeal hereditament in our situation an inheritable right to possess the incorporeal hereditament which is the Lordship Title contained in the Seignory or Seigniory Lordship Title of the physical manor that previously existed in time and history and in law, We have carried out this process so that the new custodian may have the use and enjoyment of a legally created by legal process Lordship Title.


Statute of Quia Emptores 1290

Every Seigniory now existing in law must have been created before the Statute of Quia Emptores in 1290, which forbade the future creation of estate in fee simple by subinfeudation. The only Seignories of any importance at present in law are the lordships of the manor. They are regarded as incorporeal hereditaments, and are either appendant or in gross, A Seigniory appendant passes with the grant of the manor; a Seigniory in gross, that is, a Seignory which has been severed from the demesne lands of the manor to which it was originally appendant - must be specially conveyed by deed of grant.


A Seigniory Lordship Title is the title that was once used in conjunction with the physical manor, a created by legal process Lordship Title is the Incorporeal Right to the title that has been created using all the information that we know about the Seigniory Barony Title or the Seignory Lordship Title, which is confirmed as lost by our ‘Documented Historical Research’.


What we can confirm is that the Lordship Title that we sell will be a legal entity, an incorporeal hereditament; it will exist on the legal basis that it replaces a specific lost Lordship Manor Title and the history of that lost Lordship Title.


One of the bi-product of using The Manorial Honours System is because the new legal entity is based on the old Lordship Manor Title the owner will also be in possession of the old Lordship Title. I must remind you that our legal counsel have stated this form of possession would be a weak title, but what this does is attach whatever possessory title can be had from the weak manorial possessory element of the old Lordship Manor Title and attach it to the new legal entity of the new legal entity, We can only sell a title that once existed legally in law and has fallen into disuse.


Which is a title you can inherit, which is created through the previous existence of the manor and everything we know about that manor,


Manorial law and lordship of the manor title are a highly complex and confusing area of law

However there is one clear fact. This is that proof of ownership of a manorial title (in law) has to be made by the possession of a set of deeds for the lordship rights, we can provide proof of legal ownership to the rights of lordship titles, Yes our information is a bit long winded and a bit confusing, We are using a very Unique Legal Process, We shall be happy to field any questions you may have relating to manorial titles.


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